Are all your attempts at animal-related dad jokes cat-astrophes? We’ve got dog, cat, fish and bird jokes aplenty to help.
Thanksgiving Tradition: Football, Parades, Name That Dead Bird
There’s no secret formula to forming those traditions – at least none I’m aware of. Well, repetition seems like a needed ingredient.
‘Where Babies Come From’ Inquiry Drives Parent into Panic
“Daddy, where do babies come from,” said the 5-year-old who had just been talking about Walt Disney World and Goofy. Yikes!
Debating Evolution, Creation with Little Kids a Science, Takes Faith
I explained the evolution vs. creation debate to my kids as best I could, thoroughly confusing them and myself in the process..
Restroom Creates a Challenge to Father of Daughter
Being a stay-at-home dad with a daughter has particular challenges. Don’t get me wrong—I love my daughter. She can be […]
Planning Parenthood Required When Real School Starts
Planning is what separates man from the animals. It’s what makes you an adult. And, man, it totally suuuuuuuuuuuucks.