Know what’s music to our fatherly ears? The groans and guffaws (but mostly groans) we hear when we tell music dad jokes.
dad jokes
New Year’s Dad Jokes that Don’t Drop the Ball
To expand your inventory of New Year’s dad jokes, we searched high and low (but mostly low) to find the best, funniest, silliest ones.
Spring Dad Jokes to Warm Hearts of Kids, Best Buds
Q. What did the little seed groan after the old flower told one too many spring dad jokes? A. “OK, Bloomer.”
Winter Dad Jokes Sure to Brrr-ing Down the House
Snowmen, skiers, the frostbitten – nothing warms them like a belly laugh courtesy the family-friendly winter dad jokes.
Autumn Dad Jokes You Will Find Unbe-leaf-ably Funny
You know who really falls for autumn dad jokes? A-parently, you! Here’s the best and, mostly, the worst family-friendly ones we could find.
Fourth of July Dad Jokes to Make Your Inde-Pun-Dence Day
Is there a better way to honor the Founding Fathers than by telling Fourth of July dad jokes? Probably. But just humor us.