I explained the evolution vs. creation debate to my kids as best I could, thoroughly confusing them and myself in the process..
Life Force, Willpower Drained? You Must Be a Parent
Are your kids energy vampires? They may have a secret, cosmic superpower that allows them to drain parents of our life force.
How to Help Children’s Brain Development in a High-Tech World
A new book by science writer Annie Murphy Paul offers insight into brain development in children through smarter everyday interaction.
Supervillain Children In The Making Worries, Impresses Their Dad
A trip to the observatory reveals to this dad that his kids have supervillain potential. He’s equally impressed and terrified.
Hugs: The Powerful Science Behind How They Do a Body, Brain Good
Parental hugs help kids in their emotional and physiological development, make them more resilient, less prone to illness, and create stronger bonds.
Sleeping under the Tesla Coil at MSI Chicago
Last month my family slept under a Tesla Coil, and we lived to tell the tale! Although I haven’t run […]