Know what’s music to our ears? Dad jokes. Specifically, the groans and guffaws (but mostly groans) we hear when we tell them.
So we ask you, what better reason do we have to compile a melodious (or is it odorous?) batch of kid-friendly silly jokes and funny puns about music for dads to tell?
We hope these musical dad jokes strike a chord near your funny bone. In fact, we consider this compilation of dad-worthy humor a high note for us. If they don’t fall flat with you, please sing the praises of our music dad jokes to others.
Best/worst music puns and dad jokes
Q. Why is a piano so hard to open?
A. Because the keys are on the inside.
Q. Why do fluorescent lights hum?
A. Because they forgot the words.
Q. What did the boy band that plays classical music name itself?
A. The Bach Street Boys.
Q. Why did the cow start taking singing lessons?
A. Because she wanted to be a moo-sician.
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Many people told Beethoven that he would never be a musician because he was deaf, but did he listen?
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Q. Why do fish make good musicians?
A. They know their scales.
Q. What’s big and grey with horns?
A. A rhinoceros marching band.
Q. What did the Spanish musician say after they left the sound booth?
A. Audios.
Q. What is a rabbit‘s favorite kind of music?
A. Hip-hop.
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Can you believe that my neighbor rang my doorbell at 3 a.m.? Luckily, I was still up playing the drums.
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Q. What do you call a musician with problems?
A. A trebled man.
Q. Why were the musicians arrested by the highway patrol?
A. Because they started a massive jam on the interstate.
Q. Which of Santa’s elves is the best singer?
A. Elfis Presley.
Q. What did the robbers take from the music store?
A. The lute.
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I just learned that the drummer from my old band had triplets. They’re all girls. He calls them Anna One, Anna Two, Anna Three.
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Q. How do you make a bandstand?
A. Take away their chairs.
Q. Why do bagpipers walk while they play?
A. To get away from that awful noise.
Q. What do you get if you cross a sweet potato and a jazz musician?
A. A yam session.
Q. What is Mozart doing these days?
A. Decomposing.
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When I was young I wanted to play the guitar really badly. After years of lessons and practice, I can honestly say I play the guitar really badly.
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Q. Why was the dad repeatedly banging the side of his head on the piano?
A. He was playing by ear.
Q. What has 60 feet and sings in harmony?
A. A school choir.
Q. Why did the opera singer become a pirate?
A. Because she wanted to hit the high Cs.
Q. What kind of band doesn’t play music?
A. A rubber band.
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Today my daughter asked for a 14-piece drumkit and I said no. She called me the cheapest dad in the world, but I’m not buying it.
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Q. Who is a grain farmer’s favorite musical artist?
A. Hall & Oates.
Q. What is Beethoven’s favorite fruit?
A. Ba-na-na-naaaaa.
Q. What is the difference between a drummer and a savings bond?
A. One will mature and make money.
Q. How do you fix a broken brass instrument?
A. With a tuba glue.
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I tried to make my online password “drumset” but the website rejected it. The error message said the password cannot contain cymbals.
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Q. What’s a golfer’s favorite type of music?
A. Swing!
Q. How can you tell if a bad singer is at your door?
A. They can’t find the key and don’t know when to come in.
Q. What’s an avocado’s favorite music?
A. Guac ‘n’ roll.
Q. Why was music coming from the printer?
A. The paper was jamming.
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Accordion to one study, people don’t notice when you replace any given word with the name of a musical instrument. However, I don’t believe that tuba true.
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Q. What is the most musical part of your body?
A. Your nose because you can blow and pick it.
Q. Which composer really liked to drink tea?
A. Chai-kovsky.
Q. Where do pianists go to take a tropical vacation?
A. The Florida Keys.
Child: I’m learning this new Baroque piece and it’s really hard.
Dad: Well, maybe you should fix it!
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I strained a finger today playing the piano. But on the other hand, I’m fine.
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Q. What do most people say after hearing too many music dad jokes?
A. “These jokes are so bad, I can’t Handel them.”
Music dad jokes photo by Alena Darmel via Pexels.
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