Using these three questions creates an opportunity for growth that is essential, and can be helpful in most everyday situations.
Personal Choices Talk with Children: From Tattoos to Babies
My kids are currently obsessed with tattoos. Since we saw Disney’s Moana a few weeks ago, we’ve been watching the videos from […]
Good God: Talking about ‘Him’ in Front of the Children
I’ve always thought the concept of God exists because people fear death. Still, I want my kids to be open to the idea of a higher power.
Saddle Up, Fathers! HomeDadCon 2025 Coming to San Antonio
Remember the Alamo, stay-at-home dads and work-at-home fathers! After all, it’s not far from where HomeDadCon 2025 takes place in San […]
Paternal Age Effect Not a Worry for this Older Dad
At what age should older couples wanting to conceive be concerned about paternal age effect? Probably much older than you think.
Best Animal Dad Jokes for Hounding Those You Love
Are all your attempts at animal-related dad jokes cat-astrophes? We’ve got dog, cat, fish and bird jokes aplenty to help.