There’s no secret formula to forming those traditions – at least none I’m aware of. Well, repetition seems like a needed ingredient.
Christmas Magic Depends on This Scrooge Not Stumbling
Not only has my wife’s Christmas-loving resolve strengthened now that we have a kid, but my workload has greatly increased.
Holiday Tradition Needs a Reboot for Growing Son
He loved going to the Thanksgiving Parade for years. What happened? When did he grow up? Why did our holiday tradition become a low priority?
Making a Fool of Yourself a Gift Your Kids Won’t Forget
Whether donning a wig or dancing in your underwear, many dads make lasting memories with their kids by playing their fool.
Fun Activities around Chicagoland During the Holiday Break
Here is a quick list of fun activities around Chicagoland for Chicago Dads to get involved with their kids over […]
8 Christmas Traditions We’ll Skip This Year
Elf on a Shelf? Sitting on the lap of a strange fat man at the mall? These are just a few of the Christmas traditions we won’t indulge in this season.