Winter dad jokes exist to warm the cockles of every kid’s funny bone. Or is it to give our spouses yet another reason to give us the cold shoulder? Brrr! Did anyone else just get an icy shiver down the spine?
As a service to our readers (and a disservice to their friends, co-workers and relatives), we have scoured the internet for the best/worst winter dad jokes. They are family-friendly, kid-approved, good ol’ clean jokes.
So you want silly snowman? We got them! Skier jokes? We got a few! Groan-inducing puns? You betcha!
But wait — there’s more! After you finish these, check out our Christmas dad jokes and our New Year’s dad jokes. ‘Tis the season!
Best (or is it worst?) winter dad jokes
Q. What do you call a snowman who vacations in the tropics?
A. A puddle.
Q. Why are snowmen great at parties?
A. They always know how to break the ice.
Q. What do you call a winter monster with six-pack abs?
A. The Abdominal Snowman.
Q. What did the first snowman says to the second snowman?
A. “I don’t know about you, but I smell carrots.”
Q. What falls in the winter but never gets hurt?
A. Snow.
Q. What do snowmen call their offspring?
A. Chill-dren.
Q. What is the best Mexican food to have during a frigid winter?
A. A brrrrr-rito.
A gingerbread man went to the doctor’s complaining of a sore knee. The doctor asked him, “Have you tried icing it?”
Q. How does a snowman get around town?
A. By icicle.
Q. Why did the girl keep her saxophone out in the snow?
A. Because she wanted to play cool jazz.
Q. What does a snowman take when he gets sick?
A. A chill pill.
Q. What do you call a slow skier?
A. A slope-poke.
Q. How do mountains stay warm in the winter?
A. They put on their snowcaps.
Q. What did the snowman say to the dog that relieved itself on the sidewalk?
A. “Icy what you did there.”
Q. Why did the boy only wear one winter boot?
A. There was a 50% chance of snow.
Q. Where do skiers go when they’re short on cash?
A. The snow bank.
Q. What’s a snowman’s favorite condiment?
A. Chilly sauce.
Q. What do trees say when winter finally ends?
A. What a re-leaf.
Q. What sort of cakes do snowmen like?
A. Ones with lots of icing.
Did you hear about the snowman spy? He has a license to chill.
Q. What do you call an old snowman?
A. A puddle.
Q. What kind of money do snowmen prefer?
A. Cold hard cash.
Q. How did the snowgirl break up with the snowboy?
A. She gave him the cold shoulder.
Q. What did one snowflake say to the other?
A. “You’re one of a kind.”
Q. Why is Frosty never late?
A. Because time waits for snowman.
Best winter dad jokes photo: © Soloviova Liudmyla / Adobe Stock.
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