Easter dad jokes crack us up. Then again, this time of year we have low eggs-pectations when it comes to funny bunny business.
That’s why this dad dove down the Easter bunny hole that is the internet to hunt down the best (or is it worst?) Easter dad jokes, riddles and puns. These family-friendly holiday dad jokes and puns are perfect for all your Peeps, no matter what flavor or shape. Kids will love them and, like scars, the chicks will dig ’em!
And, as no one said, this dad humor is rated E for Egg-cellent.
If you’d enjoyed our other dad jokes compilations (our musical dad joke humor fest, for example, or our soon-to-return summer dad joke extravaganza), which some say are the funniest, best and most groan-inducing, then you really should see a doctor. And while you’re waiting there, check out these …
Best/worst Easter dad jokes for kids
Q. Why did the Easter Bunny cross the road?
A. Because the chicken had his eggs!
Q. What kind of bunny can’t hop?
A. A chocolate bunny.
Q. What day does an Easter egg hate the most?
A. Fry-day.
Q. What happens to the Easter Bunny if he misbehaves at school?
A. He gets egg-spelled!
Q. What did the Easter egg ask for at the hair salon?
A. A new dye-job.
Q. Why couldn’t the Easter egg family watch TV?
A. Because their cable was scrambled.
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One Easter, a father was teaching his son to drive when out of nowhere a rabbit with a basket of eggs jumped on the road. Slamming on the brakes, the son said, “I ruined Easter! I ran over the Easter Bunny.” His father looked out the rear window and then replied, “It’s OK, son — you missed by a hare.”
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Q. Why did the Easter Bunny go to bed early?
A. He was eggs-hausted!
Q. What’s one way to make Easter easier?
A. Put an “i” where the “t” is.
Q. What did the Easter Bunny order at the coffee shop?
A. An eggspreso!
Q. How many Easter eggs can you put in an empty basket?
A. Only one — after that it’s not empty anymore!
Q. How does the Easter Bunny get across town so quickly?
A. He uses the eggs-press Lane.
Q. How does the Easter Bunny get around the world in a single day?
A. He travels by hare-plane.
Q. What do you need if all your Easter candy goes missing?
A. An eggs-planation.
Q. Who delivers mail to the Easter Bunny?
A. Federal Eggs-press
Q. How does the Easter Bunny stay fit?
A. Hare-obics.
Q. How can you tell where the Easter Bunny has buried his treasure?
A. Eggs mark the spot!
Q. What do you get when you cross a rabbit with shellfish?
A. The Oyster Bunny.
Q. What happens if you fall in love on Easter?
A. You live hoppily ever after.
Q. Why do people paint eggs at Easter?
A. Because it’s much easier than wallpapering them!
Q. What’s the Easter bunny’s favorite sport?
A. Basketball!
Q. What does the Easter Bunny get for making a basket?
A. Two points, just like everyone else!
Q. What do the Easter Bunny and LeBron James have in common?
A. They’re both famous for stuffing baskets.
Q. What did the chicken say when it saw the scrambled Easter eggs?
A. “Crazy mixed-up kids!”
Q. What kind of beans never grow in a garden?
A. Jelly beans!
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A chocolate bunny hops into the doctor’s office. The doctor asks, “What’s wrong?” The chocolate bunny replies, “I don’t know. I just feel so hollow inside.”
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Q. What happened when the Easter Bunny married the rabbit of his dreams?
A. They lived hoppily ever after!
Q. What do you call a mischievous Easter egg?
A. A practical yolker.
Q. How does the Easter bunny stay in shape?
A. Lots of eggs-ercise!
Q. How do you get a letter to the Easter Bunny?
A. Hare mail
Q. Why shouldn’t you tell jokes to an Easter egg?
A. It might crack up!
Q. Who’s the Easter Bunny’s favorite Italian actor?
A. Rabbit De Niro
Q. Why is the Easter Bunny so smart?
A. He’s an egghead.
Q. Why don’t people paint duck eggs at Easter?
A. They quack too easily!
Q. What happens if you steal the Easter Bunny’s eggs?
A. He gets hopping mad.
Q. What do you call a line of rabbits jumping backward?
A. A receding hare-line.
Q. Did you hear about the lady whose house was infested with Easter eggs?
A. She had to call an eggs-terminator!
Q. Why did the Easter egg hide?
A. He was a little chicken!
Q. What do you call an Easter Bunny who forgets to deliver you an Easter basket?
A. A hare-brain!
Q. Who tells the best Easter egg jokes?
A. Comedi-hens!
Easter dad jokes photo: © deagreez / Adobe Stock.
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