Who ya gonna call when my kid is sick? It better be the dad listed as the primary contact, not the working-her-ass-off, leaning-in mom.
gender / sexuality
Engaged Fathers Require More Support Than Just Paternity Leave
For fathers to be more engaged in parenting, things need to change from childcare costs to programs aimed specifically at supporting dads.
Fatherhood Story Needs to Be Told in New Way
Lazy. Distant. Incompetent. That story of fatherhood is so yesterday. Today’s dads need more real-life examples of good fatherhood.
Parenting Partnership Always Better Than Battle of the Sexes
Rather than revert to gender role stereotypes, true success and happiness in raising children comes from forming a parenting partnership.
Screaming to be Heard as a Dad, Man, Human
If we release our frustration and anger in a constructive and healthy way, we can be better men, fathers, brothers and leaders.
Tips for Working Parents to Help Stay-At-Home Partners
Here are some things a bread-winning spouse should keep in mind that would help them and the partner they leave at home with kids all day.