Gatekeeping by women often prevents dads from caring for their kids even though science says men are more than up for the task.
gender / sexuality
Broken Friendships for Gay Couple that Became Gay Parents
When couples have kids, they lose old friends. Gay and lesbian parents may feel the effect of broken friendships even more acutely.
Orlando Nightclub Shooting Brings Terror Home for Gay Father
My daughter sees the Orlando shooting as gay people who love their community and dancing being heartlessly killed. She makes the connection to me.
Threaten Daughter’s Dates Less, Dad; Teach Her More
I’m teaching my sons and daughter to respect others, so don’t be a jerk and act like a tough guy when my boys come around your girls.
Choose Your Own Adventure for Preserving Her Childhood
Be straightforward with your child about the realities of sexuality now or put it off? It’s a ‘choose your own adventure’ time for dad.
Raising a Boy Easier? Not If You Do It Right
Everyone tells me raising a boy is easier for a father. Then why are men’s mental health issues as prevalent as they are today?