For fathers to be more engaged in parenting, things need to change from childcare costs to programs aimed specifically at supporting dads.
family leave
Infant Mortality Prevention Part of a Dad’s Job
Infant mortality rates in the U.S. are alarmingly high. Dads can help by being supportive, nurturing and advocating for their families.
Paid Leave For Working Parents An Important U.S. Need
One dad fights back after seeing America listed as the only industrialized country without paid leave for working parents and other employees.
Work from Home Option May Be Better to Fight for than Paternity Leave
I have learned so much as a work from home dad during COVID — the key being I won’t be the same father if I ever go back to an office.
Paid Family Leave Law a Hit with NY Men, More Benefits Coming
Men in New York took advantage of the state’s recently added paid family leave law in record numbers, according to a state agency.
Dads Day of Action Brings Paid Family Leave Issue to Capitol Hill
City Dads Group members took to social media on Dads Day of Action, an effort to convince U.S. lawmakers of the importance of paid family leave.