Spring dad jokes are a warm, seasonal joy for the paternal. After months of slogging it out through cold, snow and winter dad jokes, it’s time to turn over a funny new leaf, right?
That’s why we searched high and mostly low to find the best, funniest, silliest dad jokes of the vernal season. That includes a few April Fools’ Day laughs and even a St. Patrick’s Day giggle that you can spring on unsuspecting children, adults and, of course, enemies of the pun. Enjoy without worry — these have all been spring-cleaned for your kids’ protection.
If you need some non-seasonal yucks, check out our musical dad jokes for some laughs that sing!
Best (and worst) spring dad jokes, riddles and puns
Q. What does your winter fat turn into?
A. Spring rolls.
Q. What’s the best place to plant flowers at a school?
A. In kinder-garden.
Q. How excited was the gardener about the arrival of spring?
A. So excited that he wet his plants.
Q. How did the tree feel about spring?
A. Re-leafed.
Q. What’s Irish and comes out in spring?
A. Paddy O’Furniture
Q. Which superhero likes spring the best?
A. Robin.
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A family of moles awakens from hibernation.
The father mole pokes his head out of the hole and says, “I smell tulips. It must be spring!”
Then, the mother mole pokes her head out of the hole and says, “I smell cherry blossoms. It MUST be spring!”
The baby mole tries to squeeze between his parents but gets stuck and says, “All I smell is molasses.”
A few April Fool’s Day dad jokes
Q. What’s the best day of the year to monkey around with your friends?
A. Ape-ril Fool’s Day.
Q. Which monster is the best at playing April Fools’ Day jokes?
A. Prankenstein.
Q. Why is everyone so tired on April 1st?
A. Because they just finished a long 31-day long March!
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Did you hear about the pregnant bedbug? She’s having her babies in the spring.
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Q. Why did the farmer throw his seeds into the pond?
A. He was trying to grow watermelons.
Q. What season is best to go on a trampoline?
A. Spring-time
Q. What did the seed groan after the flower told one too many spring dad jokes?
A. “OK, Bloomer.”
Q. What did the tree say to spring?
A. What a re-leaf!
Q. What is the best flower for a boy to give his mom this spring?
A. A son-flower.
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Did you see that the local mattress store is having a spring sale? Unfortunately, the rest of the bed is still full price.
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Q. What can you find in the middle of April and March but not at the beginning or end of either?
A. The letter R.
Q. Why did the farmer bury all his money before planting his spring crops?
A. To make his soil rich.
Q. Why did the bucket bounce?
A. Because it was filled with spring water.
Q. What’s the difference between spring rolls and summer rolls?
A. Seasoning.
Q. What do you call a bear caught in a spring shower?
A. A drizzly bear.
Q. Why couldn’t the flower bud ride a bike?
A. It didn’t have any petals.
Q. What do you say when it’s raining chickens and ducks in April?
A. Foul spring weather.
Q. What did summer say to spring?
A. “Help, I’m going to fall!”
Spring dad jokes photo: © Africa Studio / Adobe Stock.
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