Male postpartum depression is real: One of our members writes about what he experienced following the birth of his daughter.
Pregnancy Scare Makes Appreciation of Small Things Grow
Surgery for an appendicitis puts a pregnancy in jeopardy. “Don’t panic,” her husband repeats to himself, over and over.
Infant Mortality Prevention Part of a Dad’s Job
Infant mortality rates in the U.S. are alarmingly high. Dads can help by being supportive, nurturing and advocating for their families.
New Generation Deserves More Than Your ‘Weak’ Putdowns
A dad challenges the notion that a new generation is always softer than the previous one, and that the good ol’ days were always better.
Cutting the Cord to Mom Not Easy for At-Home Dad
The newborn in his care only wants her mom. A stay-at-home dad tries cutting the cord to her then realizes he needs a better approach.
Help Not Always Needed By Dad, But Respect For Him Is
Modern dads are not clueless when it comes to child care. So why do so many women still think we need their help when we’re parenting?