Advice from a woman who once spent Mother’s Day at a dilapidated horse track dressed in her gift: a purple sequined “jazz hat.”
Writing Mother’s Eulogy Becomes Lesson In Memory For Senses
Small, barely noticeable gestures and habits became defining characteristics for the children writing their mother’s eulogy
‘Mother Huddle’ Makes Friendship Hard for At-Home Dad, Child
What happens socially to a child if the mother huddle congregating at the local playground or coffee shop excludes a stay-at-home dad?
‘Happiest Mommy You Know’ Prey to Gender Role Stereotyping
Genevieve Shaw Brown’s ‘Happiest Mommy You Know’ book touts self-care but lets maternal gatekeeping create the problems she wants to solve.
Christmas Gifts Mom and Dad Really Want
When I was little my parents idea of Christmas gifts were “a little peace and quiet” or “for you to behave.” Now that I’m a dad, I agree.
Breastfeeding in Public Better Than These Things
We all witnesses acts far more objectionable than breastfeeding in public on a daily basis. And none of those acts have the benefit of keeping babies alive.