It had been nearly two years since bottle feeding my first child, but you know — the whole “riding the bike” thing. Or so I thought.
Infant Mortality Prevention Part of a Dad’s Job
Infant mortality rates in the U.S. are alarmingly high. Dads can help by being supportive, nurturing and advocating for their families.
Public Breastfeeding vs. Public Urination: My Ethical Dilemma
Our family’s most memorable summer road trip occurred when our two daughters were quite young — and quite needy, as […]
Breastfeeding in Public Better Than These Things
We all witnesses acts far more objectionable than breastfeeding in public on a daily basis. And none of those acts have the benefit of keeping babies alive.
Nutrition Expert Dishes on Breast Milk, Formula and Healthy Eating
We interview best-selling author Dr. Tanya Altmann about the benefits of breastfeeding, improvements in baby formula, and better childhood eating habits. Thanks to our partner, BabyNes, for setting this up.