Having a kid forces you to grow up immediately. What would I have done had I become a father in my 20s rather than my mid-30s?
Be Present for Children Now to Build Stronger Ties Later
So many things try to distract us from being present for our kids but spending precious time with them now will pay dividends later.
Hurricane Survival: A Harried Parent’s Perspective
You don’t want to ever hear your sobbing child questioning your choices during an actual disaster like a hurricane.
NYC Dad Wants to Put Alzheimer’s Disease on the Run
A longtime NYC Dads Group member with a family history of Alzheimer’s is running the New York City Marathon to benefit the cause.
Fatherhood Transforms so Embrace, Manage the New Routine
Remember spontaneously going out with friends on a Friday night? Me neither. Because we are now deep in the parenting routine.
‘Where Babies Come From’ Inquiry Drives Parent into Panic
“Daddy, where do babies come from,” said the 5-year-old who had just been talking about Walt Disney World and Goofy. Yikes!