It started when I was 6. My dad interrupted Christmas to tell me THAT MY FRIGGIN’ GRANDMOTHER WAS DEAD. And the ghost stories begin.
growing up
First Dance for Child Stirs Memories, Great Hopes in Dad
I cannot wait to listen as she puts her head on my shoulder and recounts the entire Technicolor evening of dance — good and bad.
Thanksgiving Tradition: Football, Parades, Name That Dead Bird
There’s no secret formula to forming those traditions – at least none I’m aware of. Well, repetition seems like a needed ingredient.
NYC Dad Wants to Put Alzheimer’s Disease on the Run
A longtime NYC Dads Group member with a family history of Alzheimer’s is running the New York City Marathon to benefit the cause.
7 Valuable Lessons to Teach Kids While You Watch Football
I love football. Setting my fantasy football lineup and cheering on my teams are among my favorite fall traditions. As […]
Debating Evolution, Creation with Little Kids a Science, Takes Faith
I explained the evolution vs. creation debate to my kids as best I could, thoroughly confusing them and myself in the process..