The end of that old camper is a beginning for that journal I found in it. It shows me a past where I hoped for my boys’ future.
Bill Peebles
Everyday Heroes All Around, Just Doing Their Job
It seems everyone is a hero these days. Here’s the thing. I believe most of those folks would say that they are just doing their job.
No Matter Your Game, Sports Bring Families Together During Hard Times
I forgot how essential sports are for bring “others” to us, to society writ large, until there weren’t any to watch — in person or on TV.
Light Still Found Even Amid Darkness of These Times
I see a lot of folks mired in fear because we see so much to be afraid of. But even the darkest of times, some light manages to seep through.
Integrity at Stake as People Revolt Against Bad Hands Dealt by Life
I see this year challenging your integrity. Defending takes courage, decency, honor and truth in a world that devalues all those values.
Struggling to Make Sense of a World in Continuing Crisis
Sometimes the suffering and pain I see overwhelm me. I sit in my cozy home, surrounded by a loving family, and watch the world burn.