There’s no secret formula to forming those traditions – at least none I’m aware of. Well, repetition seems like a needed ingredient.
My Competitive Son Wants Only to Win. Have I Done Wrong?
My son is obsessed with winning in sports. I wonder if he is too competitive, and what kind of child are my wife and I raising.
Wisdom: Find It Where You Can, Parents
We spend our lives looking, chasing, and seeking. For what? For understanding, for knowledge, for joy, for wisdom. Sometimes, it’s right in front of us.
Summers Past No Longer Look Like My Family Experiences
Summers past were filled with energy, socializing, exploration. Now they like the rest of year, just with air conditioning and brown grass.
Youthful Enthusiasm Something All Parents Should Hope to Retain
While I really would love that full head of hair, I want what my children have — the pure and utter joy of youthful enthusiasm.
Rain, Like Childhood, Ends Somewhere. We Don’t Know When, Where
The kids are growing up but when does being a child come to an end. Will you know when it happens? Will you be ready when it does?