Even in a diverse city, the difference in skin and hair color between me and my daughters makes people think I am their manny. Or worse.
Raising a Tween Easier with This Awesome Advice
Raising a tween means paying more attention to your facial expressions. And getting him or her to take more showers.
Take a Moment for Yourself to be Your Best Self
The stressors of our lives are many. But when we take a moment to look at all the love and life around us, it can reignite our souls.
My Son’s a Satanist, I’m Still Proud of Him
Am I surprised my son announced he is a Satanist after the behavior he exhibited as a youngster? At least he is showing conviction, right?
Daddy, I Want Makeup So I Can Look Pretty!
Who told my child that to look pretty she needed lipstick, blush and other types of makeup? Toddler Cosmopolitan, perhaps?
Sandwich Generation Stresses Tear at Young Dad’s Heart
A father in the sandwich generation seeks balance between caring for an aging parent and young child. Tips included!