Raising a tween means paying more attention to your facial expressions. And getting him or her to take more showers.
Daddy, I Want Makeup So I Can Look Pretty!
Who told my child that to look pretty she needed lipstick, blush and other types of makeup? Toddler Cosmopolitan, perhaps?
Parenting Tools Moms and Dads All Wish Really Did Exist
Parents have more stuff than ever to make their lives easier, but some common-sense items still need to be invented … soon!
Swimsuit Evolution – Less Material for Her, More Worry for Dad
As girls age, their swimsuit choices seem to shrink — at least the amount of fabric in them does. How is a modern dad supposed to react?
Stay a Kid Forever By Never Filling Those Big Girl Shoes
I sit watching my daughter struggle to put her shoes on. Why must she always pick the most difficult shoes […]
Add Life to Your Work-Life Balance with These Tips
Flexible schedules, understanding your sleep patterns, eliminating time wasters all help you help achieve that work-life balance we all dream of.