Title IX forever changed rules for gender equality in education and sports. Do our children take that for granted? Can they do more?
Parenting Transgender Child More than ‘Just a Phase’
I don’t have to be perfect in my thoughts or feelings to be the perfect parent for my transgender child. I need to support and love them.
Like Father, Like Son Even When a Sperm Donor is Involved
There are lots of reasons couples use donor sperm. But not everyone would be comfortable sharing them with strangers. Or hearing them, for that matter.
Trans Father Discusses Efforts at Acceptance with Other Parents
Robbie Samuels of our Boston Dads Group talks about his experience as a trans dad on the latest edition of the Modern Dads Podcast.
Scouts Live Up to their Law, Allow Transgender Boys
A recent decision by the Boy Scouts of America to allow transgender boy be members was simply the right thing to do, according to their own ideals.
Transgender Dad Carving Path of Opportunities for Son, Future
How does a transgender dad raise his presumably straight, cisgender boy to proud of who he is and aware of the privilege he has in this world?