Even with these constant interruptions, my son will never interrupt the stuff I could actually use a break from. Like work.
Christmas Gifts Mom and Dad Really Want
When I was little my parents idea of Christmas gifts were “a little peace and quiet” or “for you to behave.” Now that I’m a dad, I agree.
Sleepover Great Fun for Kids, Living Hell for Parents
The three of the sleepover crew members, together, are basically the thing you’ve ever seen. And the loudest thing you’ve ever heard.
Styles of Parenting as Different as North and South
It’s Brooklyn vs. Raleigh, in a battle of parenting styles of funny accents, gentrified hipsters and, of course, really good beer (a parenting necessity).
Parents Suck: 11 Reasons to Get Over Yourselves, Mom and Dad
Parents suck. Actually, politicians are probably the worst. And other people’s kids suck pretty bad too. And, of course, Nazis.
Prison Must Be A Lot Like Having a Toddler
The biggest similarity between prison and parenting may this: there is just no escape. And parole — if your lucky! — ain’t for 18 years.