By outright avoiding the challenges of failure and embarrassment now is screwing up our children and filling the world with more and more adults too fragile to exist in a world that won’t kiss their every boo-boo and polish over their errors.
Parental Calendar Filled By Our Children’s Busy Lives
The calendar days once filled with dinner dates and weekend getaways are now a smorgasbord of kids’ birthday parties and sports practices.
Ask This Important Question When Your Kid Receives a Birthday Invitation
Kid birthday parties where the parent has to stay are the worst. It’s usually two hours of awkward small talk while sitting in a tiny chair.
Just Wait Until You Read About Parents Invalidating Each Other!
We’ve become entrenched in our own need to be the most right, the greatest martyr, and along the way we’ve lost our empathy.
Time Flies, Parents: Spend More of it Wisely with Your Kids
We get consumed being chauffeur, chef and secretary for our children that we forget to just have fun with them before the time flies past.
Unscheduled Summer Brings Some Shame, Some Boredom, Much Joy
just as I began to feel bad for my no-camp kids, I listened to your many plans a little closer. I hear exhaustion in your voice already. So once the shame subsides, I’m looking forward to an unscheduled summer around the house — together.