At what age should older couples wanting to conceive be concerned about paternal age effect? Probably much older than you think.
Camper Journal Glimpses into Family’s Past, Future and Growth
The end of that old camper is a beginning for that journal I found in it. It shows me a past where I hoped for my boys’ future.
Call the Right Parent, Regardless of Your Gender Preconceptions
Who ya gonna call when my kid is sick? It better be the dad listed as the primary contact, not the working-her-ass-off, leaning-in mom.
NICU Struggles Recalled on Son’s First Day of Preschool
My son was a preemie. Those long, tough, worry-filled days for a family are recalled as a major milestone is finally reached – preschool.
Debating Evolution, Creation with Little Kids a Science, Takes Faith
I explained the evolution vs. creation debate to my kids as best I could, thoroughly confusing them and myself in the process..
Daddy Doesn’t Work Because His Job is Here, Raising You
When a stay-at-home dad has to defend his not going to work to his pre-schooler, he steadies himself for the many questions to come.