My daughter’s desire for pierced ears was not about keeping up with her friends. It was an expression of her individuality.
Swim Lessons Teach Daughter, Dad to Navigate ‘Big Blue World’
A young Black girl with autism improves her odds with swim lessons while her dad embraces a new chapter in his parenting story.
Resistant Eater Makes Meals a Challenge for These Parents
A resistant eater is more extreme than a picky eater. One family shares tips and strategies for working with their food hesitant daughter.
Comic Book Heroes: Dad, Son with Autism, Create Series
The Adventures of Jake Jetpulse feature a superhero with autism, inspired by the illustrator’s son and his nightmares.
Help Kids with Autism Cope with Change with These Tips
Aaron Sheldon and his son, Harry, offer five tips to help kids with autism cope with a change in routine in a “Dads Change” video.
Becoming Superheroes of Central Park Save the Day for Father, Son
Dressing up as comic book crimefighters sparks imaginative play in at-home father and his autistic son as they makes friends, make better world for all.