When the kids grow up and staying home to parent full-time is no longer necessary, what do you do? Can you be happy after being SAHD?
work-at-home parents
Part-Time Job Conflicts with Full-Time Parenting Duties
A father’s commitment to stay home to parent son hits wavers when he takes a part-time job that grows into a career success.
Screaming to be Heard as a Dad, Man, Human
If we release our frustration and anger in a constructive and healthy way, we can be better men, fathers, brothers and leaders.
Reclaim Your Life, Somewhat, When Your Kids Start School
I thought I’d be more upset about my kids going off to school. Instead, I’m trying to reclaim a bit of my life from before they were born.
Finding Friends Difficult, Awkward for New At-Home Fathers
If you thought it was hard to ask a girl for her number when you were 21, try asking another grown man for his digits at the playground.
Juggling Sick Children Breaks the Monotony of Parenting
Your soon-to-be sick children will bring home lots of paper from school … and germs. Both are nuisances, but the germs are more disruptive.