By outright avoiding the challenges of failure and embarrassment now is screwing up our children and filling the world with more and more adults too fragile to exist in a world that won’t kiss their every boo-boo and polish over their errors.
Admit Being Wrong, Parents; Your Kids Will Be Better for It
If you admit being wrong to your kids, would they grow up to relent in the face of reason, wisdom and facts? Would dogma be defeated?
Point of View Turns Family’s Bad Luck into Nothing But Good
Family learns unfortunate happenings are their good fortune by shifting point of view from what happened to what could have occurred.
Happiness or Success? Kids Must Choose for Themselves (with Our Help)
Basing a decision solely on happiness might be fine for minor things and terrible for life, but how often in life can one simply choose joy.
My Kid’s Failing School: Punishment or Understanding Needed?
When the grades came in, I realized my kid’s failing school and started into the classic Five Stages of Parental Freaking Out.
Parenting Fails Can Sometimes Be Wins for You and Your Kids
Sometimes you just need the kids to shut up or go to sleep, and what you have been told is the wrong thing to do works out all right for the both of you.