While I often joke about the mom-centric attitude of my children, it’s definitely started to wear this stay-at-home dad down.
Disaster Daddin’: Prepartion, Survival and Recovery Key
Disaster Daddin’ combines preparation and recovery with the goal of being the impenetrable force of stability for our loved ones.
Hurricane Survival: A Harried Parent’s Perspective
You don’t want to ever hear your sobbing child questioning your choices during an actual disaster like a hurricane.
Kindness Comforts Kids, Parents Best: Try It Often
Has a random stranger ever told you your kid needs a good smack? Kindness and compassion from this person would have been more helpful.
When Meltdowns Happen, It’s OK to Let the Ship Sink
No matter how hard you may try to keep everyone happy and prevent meltdowns, you’ll eventually fail. So … fail. It’ll be OK.
Setting Limits With Child Key to Good Toddler Behavior
Tips and suggestions offered to help parents offer positive discipline that set limits to improve toddler behavior.