‘The Happiest Baby’ author and company CEO Dr. Harvey Karp talks about his approach to calming crying babies and the crucial role dads play.
The 5 Stages of Your Child’s Tantrum
Kids aren’t good at very many things. However, they are great at throwing a tantrum and going berserk for no apparent reason.
Black History Month Reading that Fosters Empathy, ‘Moral Imagination’
Developing children’s sense of empathy is important for their moral growth. We suggest several books perfect for Black History Month reading.
Parents Can Be Overstimulated, Too
Like babies, parents can also be overstimulated by strong emotions and memories. Here is advice for coping when it’s all too much.
Moody Tween Label Often Overused on Girls
Labeling a girl as a “moody tween” is like giving here a scarlet letter “M.” It’s not only unfair, it’s also sexist, ageist and stupid.
Teaching Kindness to our Children a Modern Must
It isn’t that I’m trying to teach my children empathy and kindness, rather, I’m trying to make sure they don’t lose the lot they have.