We’ve compiled some great resources to help you celebrate National Poetry Month with your child, whether it’s reading poems or writing them.
Best Parenting Techniques to Make You a Better Employee
Kids operate from an unrelatable place, often with no logical motivation or rationale for their behavior. Kind of like your boss.
Stay-at-Home Dads are Real Men
Why does the choice to be a stay-at-home father instantly lead to a discussion about manhood? It seems to me that doing what is best for your family is truly being a real man.
Valentine’s Day, According to Our Kids
What is love? That was one of the many questions the children of some of our NYC Dad Group members tackled in a […]
Give a Little Bit and Look Inside Yourself, Others This Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day would seem the time to embrace and re-experience that feeling to give a little bit of my love to you. This year I may take the opportunity.
My Teen: A Loser Like Me
I am fairly certain that stern words and harsh consequences would only serve to strain our relationship at a time when what we need most is open communication and whatever trust we can build and maintain.