Kids operate from an unrelatable place, often with no logical motivation or rationale for their behavior. Kind of like your boss.
Stay-at-Home Dads are Real Men
Why does the choice to be a stay-at-home father instantly lead to a discussion about manhood? It seems to me that doing what is best for your family is truly being a real man.
Valentine’s Day, According to Our Kids
What is love? That was one of the many questions the children of some of our NYC Dad Group members tackled in a […]
Give a Little Bit and Look Inside Yourself, Others This Valentine’s Day
Valentine’s Day would seem the time to embrace and re-experience that feeling to give a little bit of my love to you. This year I may take the opportunity.
My Teen: A Loser Like Me
I am fairly certain that stern words and harsh consequences would only serve to strain our relationship at a time when what we need most is open communication and whatever trust we can build and maintain.
Christmas Tradition Rooted in Family Decorating Tree Together
As much as this Christmas tradition is about tree decorating, what it’s really about what it means to love and to be a family.