Don’t instinctively chastise a child without the facts. A new book says your first thought should consider the child’s best intentions
Media Saturation and How to Combat It in Your Family
The 24/7 news cycle and social media create media saturation that induces stress and anxiety in all. A new book offers families help.
Celebrities in Your Family’s Life Should Be Cherished Now
An inspirational coach, an insightful teacher : these are a family’s personal “celebrities.” Have you thanked them lately for their help?
Family Heirlooms You Create Recall Warm Memories, Freeze Time
Save a few objects from your children’s early years. They may become family heirlooms that create intergenerational bonding in the future.
Scripts Parents Must Embrace, Avoid for Better Communication
What Do You Say, a book by William Stixrud and Ned Johnson, offers help creating scripts for good conversations with your child.
How to Help Children’s Brain Development in a High-Tech World
A new book by science writer Annie Murphy Paul offers insight into brain development in children through smarter everyday interaction.