Graduation is a special time for you and your child so make it special and fun for everyone with these great parenting tips.
Prime Time Parenting Lessons From My Childhood
The deaths of TV icons Betty White and Bob Saget help us recall when prime time TV held parenting value and family togetherness.
Celebrities in Your Family’s Life Should Be Cherished Now
An inspirational coach, an insightful teacher : these are a family’s personal “celebrities.” Have you thanked them lately for their help?
Rare Diagnosis in Rock Star Offers Children Hope for Treatment, Cure
EDITOR’S NOTE: This Saturday is a rare event, Leap Day. It is also Rare Disease Day, an international campaign to […]
Swiffer Campaign to Celebrate Dads Who Clean
Swiffer knows that dads are doing more house cleaning than ever before, so its #SwifferDad campaign highlights fathers who the dirty work.
Teach Your Child About Fame Deserved
My daughter had to do a project for Women’s History Month. Together, we learned what kind of fame is really worth doing a report about.