Remember spontaneously going out with friends on a Friday night? Me neither. Because we are now deep in the parenting routine.
Prepare for Life’s Worst so Your Kids Have It Best
As parents approach midlife, they need to make sure they prepare themselves and their families for life-altering events.
Parental Calendar Filled By Our Children’s Busy Lives
The calendar days once filled with dinner dates and weekend getaways are now a smorgasbord of kids’ birthday parties and sports practices.
Caring for Yourself Means Better Care for Your Kids
We have to be there for ourselves so we can be there for our kids, so parents — start caring for yourself.
First Day of School Brings Worry for Child, Parent Alike
A photo of a dad’s first day of school gets him thinking about the long journey ahead for his 4-year-old child.
Kids Watching the News – Will It Help or Harm Them?
He once thought stopping kids from watching or hearing TV news sheltered them from reality. Then he became a father.