Forgetful? Stressed? At a loss for words. You must have little children and they are giving you a severe case of Toddler Brain.
work-life balance
How to Suck at Adulting … and Survive
The entire time I’m barely scraping by in my adulting, I’m simultaneously criticizing myself for not doing it better. It’s self-sabotage.
End to the Work-at-Home Dad’s Idyll
After 2 idyllic years as a work-at-home dad and primary caretaker of his children, a father describes his fears, hopes, laments of returning to office life.
Paid Parental Leave Needs to be the Norm
Most people in our country cannot afford to lose salary, so why do so many employers offer only an unpaid (and hollow) parental leave policy?
Guest Post: Paid Family Leave in California Gets Even Better Thanks to New Law
EDITOR’S NOTE: As many dads know, we play an integral role in our children’s lives, especially when they are first […]
Paternity Leave
With more and more discussion and debate about Paternity Leave over the past year, David lends his voice into the mix with a strong message in favor.