The end of that old camper is a beginning for that journal I found in it. It shows me a past where I hoped for my boys’ future.
Dad Rock Not Music to Kid’s Ears but There’s Hope
“Well, Rush is an acquired taste. Progressive music is a tough sell. I should start my kid on The Eagles. You know, old-school dad rock.”
Brothers a Special Bond Among Boys, Men
Siblings are one thing; brothers, that’s a whole different, deeper bond. It’s potential best friend and biggest rival for life.
Christmas Birthday a First, Joy for Grateful Father
Are children with a near-Christmas birthday short-changed when it comes to celebrations? Not at all, says this father.
Nurtured Heart Approach Offers Disciplined Approach to Behavior Change
When traditional discipline fails, the Nurtured Heart Approach calls for using your energy to reinforce the positive, not the negative.
Every Child Unique Even If Parents Remain The Same
Now matter how much you think you know about parenting after having your first child, the next kid always presents unique challenges.