I misjudged the height of the ceiling and SMASHED my head into it. I let out a loud expletive as I clutched my head. Instantly, it was swelling and my hands were covered with my own blood.
Hand Sanitizers – Do They Really Work?
As a parent and public school teacher (on hiatus), I frequently use hand sanitizer multiple times per day to ward […]
When Should Your Child Visit a Pediatric Dentist?
We interviewed our pediatrician before our son was even born. He visited us in the hospital a few times the […]
Aren’t Babies & Toddlers the One’s Who Need the Swine Flu Vaccination Most?
Here is a guest blog post by Edward D., who shares his concern & frustration over the H1N1 availability for […]
Frustrated Dad!
No parent enjoys seeing their child with a bad cold. It hurts your heart because you see them suffering to […]
Drawing Blood From Baby Can Be a Harrowing Experience
I found out the hard way that one cannot go into a lab and expect the technician drawing blood from your child to do it correctly.