No parent enjoys seeing their child with a bad cold. It hurts your heart because you see them suffering to breathe and there is not much you can offer them except a small band-aid of using a humidifier, steam in the bathroom, or little nose drops. It pains me to see my son burning up with a fever and the fussiness that comes along with it as he vents his frustration.
My 16-month-old son has always been a very good eater – from enjoying his pancakes or oatmeal in the morning, yogurt and fruit for lunch, and chicken, eggs, or meatballs for dinner with potatoes or pasta. Snacks run from rice cakes to Cheerios to graham crackers. He is usually open to trying new foods and textures. For drinks, he enjoys his milk or water from his straw cup.
Let me explain my frustration with this particular cold. For the past 5 days, my son has been battling a nasty cold including a stuffy nose, fever, head congestion, cough. For the most part, his spirits have been high, and that makes it easier to entertain him. However, he has decided to stop eating EVERYTHING except Gerber’s Puffs. This means during the course of a normal meal, I observe my son throw all of his food on the floor or turn his head in disgust at the sight of any of the courses. For example, I prepare a meatball for him which I know he always loves and devours, and see he him pick it up, and throw it to the floor with gusto. Course after course served to him is wasted – so unlike him.
Fortunately, my son continues to drink regularly from his water bottle as well as drink his milk so dehydration is not an issue.
I know when I get a bad cold my hunger wanes, and I have little desire for mealtime. Is this the case with my son? I figured it would last a day or two, but six days? Has anyone else experienced something like this? Any tips or advice to share for this FRUSTRATED DAD?
Don’t worry about the food. Kids that young won’t starve themself. He’ll get over it eventually, especially since he’s a good eater. The milk is giving him plenty of calories so no sweat. The only thing that will work is to chill and wait.
Sorry to hear you have been frustrated for 6 days. I hope he and you feel better soon. Yeah, he won’t stave. Try giving him grapes, strawberries, kiwi, etc that have been chilled in the refrigerator. Warm food seemed to make the eating experience for my daughter more frustrating/uncomfortable. Feel better both of you…
I agree with Josh, if he’s starving and there is food in front of him, he’ll eat. Theo often throws his food on the ground (something we’re working on) but if he’s hungry he doesn’t. One other thing, if you don’t have a Nosefrida you should get one. Our Ped suggested one during Theo’s last cold and they are awesome. Here’s the website: – I bought mine at village apothecary but they have them around elsewhere. Should help clear his nose up.