So many things try to distract us from being present for our kids but spending precious time with them now will pay dividends later.
Hurricane Survival: A Harried Parent’s Perspective
You don’t want to ever hear your sobbing child questioning your choices during an actual disaster like a hurricane.
NYC Dad Wants to Put Alzheimer’s Disease on the Run
A longtime NYC Dads Group member with a family history of Alzheimer’s is running the New York City Marathon to benefit the cause.
Fatherhood Transforms so Embrace, Manage the New Routine
Remember spontaneously going out with friends on a Friday night? Me neither. Because we are now deep in the parenting routine.
‘Where Babies Come From’ Inquiry Drives Parent into Panic
“Daddy, where do babies come from,” said the 5-year-old who had just been talking about Walt Disney World and Goofy. Yikes!
Technology Drives Dreams, Nightmares in Our Kids’ Future
I am both excited and scared for my kids’ future as technology makes their lives richer, easier and less life-like.