That the “occupations” of many cartoon dads are never mentioned is surprising given how in your face stay-at-home dads are presented on TV and movies.
My Son Won’t Eat His Dinner: Here’s 39 Reasons Why
To borrow a line from the movie A Christmas Story, “My son works in reasons why he won’t eat the way other artists might work in oils or clay. He’s a true master.”
‘7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens’ Updated for Digital Age
The 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens by Sean Covey is something I could have used as a kid. There was […]
Turning 8 — Father Reflects on the Importance of Child’s Wondrous Age
The oldest child in our house is turning 8. This shouldn’t seem like that big of a deal. But age 8 was the key year to my life as it is today.
Cleaning Up is Hard to Do. Especially When You’re a Kid
We have colorful plastic bins in which a lot of the kids’ smaller toys are stored. Blocks, dolls, fake food and plates, empty cigarette boxes, three-penny nails, mercury. You know.
Fireworks Don’t Work For Me on July 4 … or Anytime
What stars shine and fade and shine again in the sky; warming upturned faces with the glow of patriotism? Why, those would be fireworks. I hate fireworks.