Has a random stranger ever told you your kid needs a good smack? Kindness and compassion from this person would have been more helpful.
Let Children Fail Now So They Can Succeed Later
By outright avoiding the challenges of failure and embarrassment now is screwing up our children and filling the world with more and more adults too fragile to exist in a world that won’t kiss their every boo-boo and polish over their errors.
Hersheypark Dark Nights is a Halloween Wonderland
Hersheypark’s Halloween Dark Nights features haunted houses, rollercoasters in the dark, loads of festive treats, and priceless family fun!
Call the Right Parent, Regardless of Your Gender Preconceptions
Who ya gonna call when my kid is sick? It better be the dad listed as the primary contact, not the working-her-ass-off, leaning-in mom.
When Meltdowns Happen, It’s OK to Let the Ship Sink
No matter how hard you may try to keep everyone happy and prevent meltdowns, you’ll eventually fail. So … fail. It’ll be OK.
NYC Dad Wants to Put Alzheimer’s Disease on the Run
A longtime NYC Dads Group member with a family history of Alzheimer’s is running the New York City Marathon to benefit the cause.