He would leave the house for work before I woke. He often worked weekends. But work was not why he was a distant father.
Family Stories Can Inspire Your Kids to New Heights
We all have many stories about family and friends. Take time, think about how to present them, then give this gift to your children.
Introverted Teen? Upside to Not Being Life of the Party
Extroversion gets all the good press, but being an introverted teen has positives, too. The key: finding balance between the extremes.
Reclaim Your Life, Somewhat, When Your Kids Start School
I thought I’d be more upset about my kids going off to school. Instead, I’m trying to reclaim a bit of my life from before they were born.
Finding Friends Difficult, Awkward for New At-Home Fathers
If you thought it was hard to ask a girl for her number when you were 21, try asking another grown man for his digits at the playground.
First Day of School Brings Worry for Child, Parent Alike
A photo of a dad’s first day of school gets him thinking about the long journey ahead for his 4-year-old child.