He would leave the house for work before I woke. He often worked weekends. But work was not why he was a distant father.
absentee father
AI-Generated Art Biased Against Fathers of Color?
When he typed “fatherhood” into a bot to create AI-generated art, it spit out 40 images. Only one was of a Black father.
Family Portrait 46 Years In Making As Son, Parents Reunite
Seated at a table this past spring in the courtyard of a nursing home, I squeezed into the frame of […]
Being Present for Your Kids Small Way to Make Big Impression
You can’t get back moments already missed, but you can make new ones you — and your children — won’t ever forget just by being present.
Absent Dad Teaches Parenting Lessons You’ll Never Forget
When people ask me at this time of year to reflect on what I learned from my absent father, I tend to get a little resentful.
Study: Absent Fathers Make Life Harder for Daughters
Women with a positive relationship with their father growing up tend to be happier than those with absent fathers, says a new study.