While I often joke about the mom-centric attitude of my children, it’s definitely started to wear this stay-at-home dad down.
at-home parenting
Call the Right Parent, Regardless of Your Gender Preconceptions
Who ya gonna call when my kid is sick? It better be the dad listed as the primary contact, not the working-her-ass-off, leaning-in mom.
Can Full-Time Work Make Father Happy After Being SAHD?
When the kids grow up and staying home to parent full-time is no longer necessary, what do you do? Can you be happy after being SAHD?
SAHD Myths Challenge At-Home Fathers to be Their Best
You can’t trust stay-at-home dads to be alone with your children because they are perverts incapable of nurturing. …and more SAHD myths.
Daddy Doesn’t Work Because His Job is Here, Raising You
When a stay-at-home dad has to defend his not going to work to his pre-schooler, he steadies himself for the many questions to come.
Parenting Partnership Always Better Than Battle of the Sexes
Rather than revert to gender role stereotypes, true success and happiness in raising children comes from forming a parenting partnership.