Remember the Alamo, stay-at-home dads and work-at-home fathers! After all, it’s not far from where HomeDadCon 2025 takes place in San Antonio, Texas, this autumn.
The annual conference for fathers whose full-time job is raising the kids runs from Sept. 11 to 13 at a hotel along the famous San Antonio Riverwalk. Attendees can expect to add to their parenting skills, support other dads and renew old friendships while making new ones.
Speakers and topics for the at-home dad conference have yet to be announced. Breakout topics at past conventions ranged from dealing with picky eaters to teaching children about sexual consent. Outreach or social activities are often part of the program. One already in the works for HomeDadCon 2025 is a 5K run.
The National At-Home Dad Network (NAHDN) organizes and operates this yearly event for stay- and work-at-home fathers who embrace parenting as their most important job. It allows them to network with other active fathers, learn from experts about various parenting and social issues, and take a brief respite from parenting duties. (DISCLOSURE: City Dads Group has been a long-time sponsor and partner with The National At-Home Dad Network for the at-home dads convention.)

HomeDadCon 2025 ticket, hotel information
A ticket to the HomeDadCon 2025 costs $295. The conference ticket includes:
- access to all event programs,
- three meals,
- a T-shirt and,
- a yearlong membership to the National At-Home Dad Network.
People who are already NAHDN members receive a $35 discount.
Discounted hotel reservations are available while they last at the Drury Plaza Hotel San Antonio Riverwalk, which doubles as the event venue. The cost is $179 a night plus taxes for double occupancy. This includes a free breakfast and a 90-minute evening reception with food, beer, wine and mixed drinks. For people wanting to split the rooming costs, the organization has a Discord group to help attendees find a roommate.
+ Buy a San Antonio HomeDadCon ticket +
The nonprofit National At-Home Dad Network offers advocacy, community, education, and support for families where fathers are their children’s primary caregivers. Its stated purpose is to empower fathers and champion a culture that recognizes them as competent parents.
The organization has expanded its work in recent years. It now runs parenting webinars and podcasts plus regular online gatherings for members to discuss issues. The National At-Home Dad Network has also recorded some of the past HomeDadCon sessions, some of which are made available only to dues-paying members.
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This post is part of the #NoDadAlone campaign. Fathering Together/City Dads Group, the National At-Home Dad Network, and Fathers Eve are joining forces to amplify messages that help dads recognize we are not alone! Follow #NoDadAlone on Instagram, and learn more at NoDadAlone.com.
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