An inspiring story of a working grandfather who recognized he still could his priorities to help his daughter and grandchild, while still being an effective leader.
work-life balance
Best of Twitter: Work/Life Balance Edition
The NYC Dads Group recently started using Twitter, thanks to active member Josh K. I expected Twitter to be another […]
Japanese Governor is a Pioneer: Takes Paternity Leave
Over the summer, the NYC Dads Group partnered on a media segment with NHK, the Japanese equivalent of the BBC, to display […]
Reframing the Work/Family Discussion
It’s time for fathers to make it known we have family responsibilities, and we expect not to be penalized for them in the workplace.
Paid Sick Leave Act Needs to Become NYC Law
The NYC Council is considering a Paid Sick Leave Act to require employers to let employees earn annual paid sick time.
Work/Family/Life Balance: My Latest Experiment
With trepidation and uneasiness, I re-entered the “office” workforce yesterday. Let me expand … Well, for the past two years […]