Modern dads embrace fatherhood like no other generation has. Let today’s fathers fully embrace the parenting experience.
gender roles
Help Not Always Needed By Dad, But Respect For Him Is
Modern dads are not clueless when it comes to child care. So why do so many women still think we need their help when we’re parenting?
Being Present for Your Kids Small Way to Make Big Impression
You can’t get back moments already missed, but you can make new ones you — and your children — won’t ever forget just by being present.
I Want NOTHING for Father’s Day. Sweet, Blessed Nothing!
I’m serious. I truly want NOTHING for Father’s Day. In fact, I want the following, specific “NOTHINGS” …
Set Example of Good Parenting for Little Eyes, Ears are Always Upon You
Little eyes and ears are focused on us at home even more than usual these pandemic days. Set the example you want them to imitate.
Help Daughters Develop Strong Voices, Become Confident Women
A new book, What Girls Need, offers tips to help daughters (and sons) learn to speak up and be recognized in a competitive world.