Guys really do talk about their thoughts and feelings all the time. Just because it’s not emotive doesn’t mean it’s not happening.
Driving Down Road of Fatherhood Even When You Don’t Have Confidence
Some days I don’t want go driving or even get in that car. I’m apprehensive about hazards ahead. But as parents we don’t have a choice, do we?
To My Unborn Son: Here are My Fears, My Hopes, of Being That Dad
My unborn son, the next however many years are going to be interesting, fun, hysterical, difficult, and happy … yes, probably all at the same time.
Summer of Childhood Innocence Shattered by World Violence
It has been a long, hot summer with the carefree days of childhood being interspersed with all-too-frequent headlines about killings around the world.
My Son’s Birth Taught Me What Fear Is
“The baby’s heartbeat is down” is a phrase no one wants to hear at the birth of their first child.
Staying Above the Water to Save His Son
No one is infallible when it comes to making decisions. You just must consider that sometimes things will be beyond your control.