A father hope the horror of the Ukraine invasion sparks a renewed commitment to the next generation to rescue them from our failures.
Shouldn’t I Be More Excited About Our Second Baby?
I haven’t really done nearly as much to prepare for our second baby. The excitement seems lacking. I should be jumping for joy, right?
Study What You Fear to Gain Better Understanding, Overcome Ignorance
To raise children — and later adults — who aren’t paralyzed by fear, model actions that teach them how to punch fear in the face.
Is There an Old Normal to Go Back to After this New One?
I wonder what really is out there to go back to? What “normal” could possibly be worth the risk right now and for the foreseeable future?
Light Still Found Even Amid Darkness of These Times
I see a lot of folks mired in fear because we see so much to be afraid of. But even the darkest of times, some light manages to seep through.
Navigating Joy, Worry When Your Spouse is a Healthcare Worker
Great weather, happy kids – all is going well … but this dad’s real worry is that his wife works in a hospital during the pandemic.